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"My Two Dreams of
the Rapture" 

My First Dream

I was standing alone when a group of people standing together started shouting and looking up at the heavens saying, 'he has come, he has come.' I knew they were talking about our Lord Jesus Christ, so I ran fast to where the group of people was standing.  As soon as I got there, I woke up from my dream, so I never saw him. That dream was a few years ago. 

My second dream:

A few weeks ago, I dreamt of the heavens opening, and I heard a terrifying sound like thunder, and there was a huge smoky light, and I knew it was the coming of Christ.

 People around me started screaming and running; I was walking with a friend of mine, but I can't remember who she was, but she also started running with terror.

I tried to say to her, don't be scared it's the coming of Christ there is no need to be scared, but she wouldn't listen and went off running, I tried to run and stop her, but she disappeared into the large crowd of terrified running people, and I just said to myself, I'll just let her go, because I couldn't keep up with her.

I started walking alone and wondering why people looked so afraid instead of rejoicing, I wasn't scared at all.

A Massive Silhouette

As I was walking I looked up into the sky and saw something that looked like a bubble or cloud; I can't really describe it,  but on this bubble-like cloud, I saw a massive silhouette of a human shape.

 I couldn't see the face but could the feet, and they were enormous. In that same bubble-like cloud was a silhouette of a baby that drifted slowly past me like a cloud moving across the sky.  I kept on walking feeling no fear, as an angel was flying above me.

That is the last I remember of the dream; how it ended, I don't know. It's been on my mind a lot wandering what the latest dream meant.

Bernadette: United Kingdom

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Two Dreams of the Rapture

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