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“Zen’s Dreams of Jesus”

Here are a few of my dreams of Jesus:
One time, I was trying to lose weight and was not eating. I felt as if I was dying in real life.

Before falling asleep I tried to reach over to my husband to tell him to take care of my baby girls, but couldn't because I was too weak. I also had not spoken to my mother because she was mad at me for no reason at all.

I felt like I had really passed away. I dreamed I was up in heaven & I could see Jesus talking to a large group, but I couldn't see the group. He looked at me, nodded his head and turned back to the group. I felt that I had disappointed him.

The Mother Mary told me to go to her and I did. She spoke to me in Spanish. She told me not to worry of the things in the world, and that she was my only mother. I have no other mother, but her.

She hugged me with her cape and turned me around. She told me that it was not my time yet. She gently gave me a push and  thats when I woke up. I was not weak or sick anymore.  My life has changed since then, but not easy at all.

I recently had another dream. I was in a wooded area going up a all hill and people were following me. Suddenly I looked up at the stars they turned red. The red stars then started going all over the place. For a split second I thought the aliens were fighting in space, then I yelled out loud, " Jesus Is Coming! Jesus is Coming!"

I ran back down the hill behind tall pines and then I saw Jesus. He was so bright that He was lighting the woods. He was carrying a school girl in his arms.  I quickly fell to my knees and started praying and asking Him to take me with him. The Holy Spirit entered my body and I was crying and praying for Jesus to take me too.

Two nights ago I had another dream that I was on the side of a busy highway off on the grass praying because Jesus had appeared. There was lots of traffic on the highway leaving, but I was on the side of the road with a few people praying to him. 

Last night 2/9/16 I dreamed that Jesus came down  from the sky. I remember seeing trash and recycled cans by where he had appeared. I can remember a soothing wind come upon me as I prayed on my knees. I felt at peace.

Xen: United States

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Zen's Dreams of Jesus

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802